Comments on: Homeschooling, Bin the Schedules! | The Best World Travel Blog for Families | Tue, 22 Sep 2020 07:55:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lucy Wed, 25 Dec 2013 09:23:32 +0000 I’m on the same journey with my 6 year old re: reading. The “best method” manuals on teaching reading have been so bulky and intimidating I just decided “I can’t “. It will just have to happen for her, because I’m stressed out just thinking about getting thru the manual, much less applying it all. I always think Abraham Lincoln’s mom didn’t have___and he learned it! And it’s happening! She is sounding letters out little by little and just can’t get around the fact that she is so motivated to use words to write notes to us, make a sign, a card for a friend, and each time I walk her thru one, she’s faster and more in charge than the last, so cool!

By: alyson@worldtravelfamily Tue, 29 Oct 2013 02:49:55 +0000 In reply to Lisa.

Hi Lisa! Post coming just for you! It’s not much different to what we’d be doing at home, minus housework 🙂 Actually that’s a lie, I do sweep and tidy and organise laundry. We’re moving today, got a ferry to catch, but I’ll be onto it as soon as I have time. Those are the posts I like to write, but unfortunately they’re not the ones that bring in the search traffic, so we have to have both, plus the money making posts. I’ll put my jedi master hat on and exlain all shortly!

By: Lisa Tue, 29 Oct 2013 02:28:12 +0000 I’ve just spent two hours catching up on old posts- it’s all very fascinating, brave, and yet normal too. In your efforts to get back to fun blogging and away from travel tips, I’d love to simply hear more about your day to day lives. What do your kids do all day? How does one depend six weeks in a remote place….I honestly have no idea. Don’t you (and the kids) run out of things to do? I’m an American living in Oz, with a 2 yo. We’ve done a bit of SEA….and I just can’t fathom how you pass each day! Six weeks spent in random villages- enjoying yourselves no less- blows my mind 🙂 I’m your student now, I’ve subscribed and look forward to learning more. Xx

By: Kerry Mon, 28 Oct 2013 13:12:11 +0000 agreed!! it takes a certain kind of parent…we all bring different things to the table. I was bored in grade school (terribly bored!) and so my big takeaway from childhood was “I want my kids to play and love learning.” I’m a yes mom, a play mom, a make a mess mom and don’t sweat the tests and homework mom. Yes, kids learn best through play. yes yes yes.

By: alyson@worldtravelfamily Mon, 21 Oct 2013 22:05:56 +0000 In reply to Elaine Parnell.

I leave all that to my husband Elaine. He is currently obsessed with one particular bank in Thailand that doesn’t give us any bank charges. Pre op. he’d run 10Km to find one. We always use ATMs. And thanks for your kind words 🙂
