Comments on: Paleo Food In Cairns | The Best World Travel Blog for Families | Tue, 30 Jul 2019 20:30:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: alyson@worldtravelfamily Sun, 22 Dec 2013 04:23:31 +0000 In reply to Renee – RambleCrunch.

No Renee, you just can’t be precious about food when you’re travelling or you’d die of malnutrition. I eat what I can get, when I can get it, but I’m not into carbs at all, rice, noodles etc. don’t interest me, so the weight has dropped off.In Thailand I think I was being paleo without even trying, eggs for breakfast, soups and curries for meals, no rice. But, if all I can find to eat is carbs , I eat carbs, I eat meat sometimes, too. It’s tricky to be veggie in some countries and I’ve not been eating fish, didn’t trust it.. Sure, if you were just going for 2 weeks you could do it, but after 6 months of eating in restaurants 3 times a day I’d be ill if I didn’t mix up what I was eating a bit. With paleo you can’t eat pulses, I ate dahl every single day in Sri Lanka ( boy I miss those breakfasts!), you just couldn’t do Paleo there. I’ve had hardly any dairy in Asia, it’s just not common to have milk products there, so that was easy, but I’m pretty sure my calcium levels are too low, I usually eat tons of broccoli and green things at home, I’ve hardly touched anything like that in months.I very rarely eat fruit either, I haven’t got a sweet tooth, other than the pineapple in my pinacoladas. I’m trying to top us all up with cheese and veg now we’re in the UK. I’m as thin as I’ve been for years, which is great, but my diet hasn’t been very good.Strange isn’t it, at home I used to stress about dietary things and I was overweight, now, eating out every day and not being picky, I’m back to my fighting weight.

By: Renee - RambleCrunch Sun, 22 Dec 2013 01:32:23 +0000 Alyson, I’m curious, are you still trying to eat this way on the road or have you scrapped it? I was doing some reading about the Paleo diet and it’s interesting. It certainly seems doable except for no dairy part…I love my yogurt. And I’m not giving up coffee or the occasional glass of wine, no way.

By: alyson@worldtravelfamily Thu, 17 Jan 2013 19:08:26 +0000 In reply to Melanie Murrish.

It’s tricky doing paleo as a vegetarian, no pulses, including hummus. I’ve just done a month of being completely vegetarian and then discovered paleo and lost 4Kg. I’m finding it impossible to be 100% happy that the children are getting enough protein on nuts and eggs, so some meat is slipping back in for them. There wasn’t a children’s vegetarian meal on the menu. Boo was very keen to be vegetarian, but he loves chicken, strange, as it’s something I really don’t like buying, he’s only had it in places like Thailand. I’m too much of a foodie to not taste everything! I don’t buy meat at home and I rarely eat fish unless we are out. My husband’s restaurant does a lovely little wild mushroom tarte Tatin, but that’s not paleo, obviously. I was vegetarian for 10 or 15 years before we moved to Australia, but I’ve always been happy to eat fish sometimes and taste local dishes when we travel. I don’t like saying I’m pescatarian because that seems to suggest I eat fish at every meal, which I don’t.

By: Melanie Murrish Thu, 17 Jan 2013 14:57:31 +0000 That looks delish! I am even thinking about becoming your version of vegetarian after reading this post!

By: alyson@worldtravelfamily Wed, 16 Jan 2013 21:04:57 +0000 In reply to anabel.

Anabel honey, chefs do not cook at home, ever. He’s quite into paleo though, it’s how he eats when he’s training for iron man events, although he packs away a heck of a lot more animal protein than me. I keep it as vegetarian as I can but vegetarian paleo is pretty hard to do, no pulses.
